এসএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন-২০২৫ ||SSC English 2nd paper Short Suggestion 2025

এসএসসি ইংরেজী  ২য় পত্র ১০০% কমনের   নিশ্চয়তায়… আমাদের প্রচেষ্টা--বিভিন্ন ধরনের টেষ্ট পেপার ও মূলবই থেকে কমন উপযোগী প্রশ্ন গুলো নিয়ে আমাদের সাজেশন ,আশা করি অনেক কমন আসবে ইনশাআল্লাহ্…..


Subject: English 2nd Paper

Subject Code:108

ভিডিও ক্লাস: ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন-২০২৫ || English 2nd paper Short Suggestion 2025

পেজ সূচীপত্র: (ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র)

আমাদের  ওয়েবসাইট “অর্ডিনেট আইটি.কম” ও  চ্যানেল ”অর্ডিনেট ক্লাসরুম  ”আপনাদের  স্বাগতম । 
আমরা একটি ভিন্ন প্রজন্মের স্বপ্ন দেখি। আমরা অধিক চিন্তাশীল প্রজন্ম গড়তে চাই, আলাদা মানুষ যাদের আগে চিন্তা করার অভ্যাস থাকবে। আমরা মানুষ কেন? কারণ আমরা চিন্তা করি, এবং সেই চিন্তাকে মুক্তচিন্তা হতে হবে। আর মুখস্থ করে আর যা ই হোক, বিজ্ঞান শিক্ষা হতে পারে না। আর সেই প্রচেষ্টারই অংশ হল আমাদের কনটেন্ট ও ভিডিও লেকচার। এই কনটেন্ট ও  ভিডিওগুলির উদ্দেশ্য হল প্রতিটি বিষয় এমনভাবে শেখানোর চেষ্টা করা যাতে আপনি বইয়ের বাইরেও অনেক কিছু ভাবতে পারেন। আর আপনি যখন চিন্তাশীল মানুষ হবেন, তখন আপনি নিজেই বুঝবেন এই দেশকে আলাদা করতে আমাদের কী করতে হবে, কতদূর যেতে হবে।

Part A- Grammar: (60 Marks)

Question No.1 (Gap Filling Activities with Clues)

  • 1. Friendship is (a)-great human virtue. It is (b)-love*** 99%
  • 2. A student must have the habit of reading newspaper ......*** 99%
  • 3. Education removes our ignorance and gives us the*** 99%
  • 4.Nowadays, parents are very (a) of the harmful....*** 99%
  • 5.It is (a) that the new century is now facing various*** 99%
  • 6.Life is real but much (a) - what a man learns from*** 99%
  • 7. Metro rail is a (a)-project in the development history.....*** 99%
  • 8.Discipline is the most valuable and (a)-element for .......*** 99%
  • 9.Freedom of speech is a (a)-right..*** 99%
  • 10. Everybody knows that food (a)-is a crime. Adulterated...*** 99%

Question No.2(Gap Filling Activities without Clues)

  • 1. Rangamati is one of the (a) - attractive hilly ......*** 99%
  • 2. Our forests are a part of our environment.*** 99%
  • 3. Adopting unfair means in the examination is*** 99%
  • 4. Road accident is (a)-regular phenomenon in.....*** 99%
  • 5. A true friend is (a)-asset. He stands (b) - his......*** 99%
  • 6. Courtesy is a (a) — virtue in a man. It goes without ...*** 99%
  • 7.Today there are many jobs (a) - you need English...*** 99%
  • 8. Most of our young learners are often indulged......*** 99%
  • 9.Freedom does not come (a). People must raise...*** 99%
  • 10. In every walk (a)-life, discipline is a must.*** 99%

আর পড়ুন:এসএসসি ইংরেজী ১ম পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন-২০২৪

Question No.3(Substitution Table)

  • 1. His father...... the prince of Denmark..*** 99%
  • 2. Global warming ..... temperature rise to a great extent.....*** 99%
  • 3. Independence ...... the birth right of a man.....*** 99%
  • 4. Punctuality ....... for proper utilization of time..*** 99%
  • 5. Many of us..... bad for health........*** 99%
  • 6. Efforts...... needed for the progress in life.*** 99%
  • 7.An educated mother....... children will be educated.*** 99%
  • 8.Robinson Crusoe........*** 99%
  • 9.Self-confidence.....sailor from his boyhood.*** 99%
  • 10. Once there............ personal and professional life.*** 99%

Question No.4(Right Forms of Verbs)

  • 1. Bookish knowledge (a) --useless when one (b)-it.....*** 99%
  • 2. It is high time we (a) — our brain about the curse. *** 99%
  • 3. There are several reasons why friendship (a)..... so. *** 99%
  • 4. Bangladesh is full of natural resources. The ...... *** 99%
  • 5. Social value (a) to customs, beliefs, special.*** 99%
  • 6.Truth always (a) in the world. Falsehood may..*** 99%
  • 7. Everybody (a)—that food adulteration (b) -- a crime.... *** 99%
  • 8. One day the great poet Ferdousi (a)*** 99%
  • 9. Man is a social and rational being...........*** 99%
  • 10. Man has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.*** 99%

Question No.5(Changing Narrative Style)

  • 1. Jerry said,"I can chop some wood today." "But I have .......*** 99%
  • 2. "Why did you not go to school yesterday?" said the......*** 99%
  • 3. Rina said to Sima, "Why don't you get up early from sleep?".*** 99%
  • 4. The stranger said to the boy, "Can you tell me the way to ............ *** 99%
  • 5. The teacher said to the boy, "Do you think that honesty ........ *** 99%
  • 6. Zaman said to me, "Have you finished reading the....*** 99%
  • 7. "Give me a few grains of corn. I am dying of hunger,". *** 99%
  • 8. The man said to the manager, "May I come in, sir?"..... *** 99%
  • 9. Mohsin said to the theif, "Speak the truth. I will....*** 99%
  • 10. "Great king of the genies," called the monster, "I'll never *** 99%

Question No.6(Changing Sentences)

  • 1. (a) Health is a blessing..... (j) Everybody knows it.... *** 99%
  • 2. (a) Very few insects..... (j) We should be industrious.... *** 99%
  • 3. (a) Corruption is one of ...... (j) Let us all work together....*** 99%. 
  • 4. (a) Honesty can open ..... (j) Everybody is fond of...... *** 99%
  • 5. (a) Health is wealth..... (j) Everybody should know..... *** 99%
  • 6. (a) Haji Mohammad..... (j) He caught the thief...... *** 99%
  • 7. (a) Man is the best...... (j) Though we take utmost.... *** 99%
  • 8. (a) Very few conquerors ..... (j) Taimur was too.... *** 99%
  • 9.  (a) Once two women (j) Then the judge...... *** 99%
  • 10. (a) All men must die. (j) Actually no human being...*** 99%

Question No.7(Completing Sentences)

  • 1. (a) Trees are considered to.... (e) Hence, it can be said.*** 99%
  • 2. (a) It is high time....(e) uneasy lies the head-*** 99%
  • 3. (a) A man is known- ..... (e) It is high time-
  • 4. (a) "Industry is the key to success"....... (e) It is high time- *** 99%
  • 5. (a) If we invest in girls'- .... (e) Therefore, we should try-.... *** 99%
  • 6. (a) As flower is a symbol..... (e) Many people cultivate flowers...*** 99%
  • 7. (a) It is English which-...... (e) It is high time.....*** 99%
  • 8. (a) Had I much money..... (e) If you had invited her -*** 99%
  • 9. (a) It is price hike which is ...... (e) Day-to-day life in the city.....*** 99%
  • 10. (a) It is poverty that....... (e) They believe "What is lotted-*** 99%

আর পড়ুন:এসএসসি ইংরেজী ২য় পত্র সংক্ষিপ্ত সাজেশন-২০২৪

Question No.8(Use of Suffix and Prefix)

  • 1. There are many causes behind drug (a) addict.*** 99%
  • 2. (a) (Corrupt) is one of the greatest challenges of the world......*** 99%
  • 3. The nature of a mother's love is the same in all countries......*** 99%
  • 4. Knowledge (a) (light) our mind. It enables a man to*** 99%
  • 5. Life without leisure and (a)-(relax) is dull. Nobody can*** 99%
  • 6. People are (a)-(general) fond of glittering things........*** 99%
  • 7. Those who lead a (a)-(luxury) life are (b)-(different) to..... *** 99%
  • 8. Money cannot buy (a)-(happy)-. Money is a must for our.*** 99%
  • 9. Dowry system is the most (a) hate system in our society...*** 99%
  • 10. Patriotism means love for one's own country and people........*** 99%

Question No.9(Tag Questions)

  • 1.(a) A barking dog seldom ..... (e) Call in a doctor..... *** 99%
  • 2. (a) Slow and steady wins... (e) I need not go there...... *** 99%
  • 3. (a) Nobody trusts a liar..... (e) Many are often found....*** 99%
  • 4. (a) At present, everybody likes..... (e) Let's play this game..... *** 99%
  • 5. (a) Time and tide wait ...... (e) Let's make the best use ..... *** 99%
  • 6. (a) Most of the students who...... (e) No, moreover, practice *** 99%
  • 7. (a) He hardly bet on ..... (e) The sick felt unhappy*** 99%
  • 8. (a) The jury gave the same... (e) What is lotted cannot...... *** 99%
  • 9. (a) A rolling stone gathers..... (e) The jury gave different.... *** 99%
  • 10. (a) The idle can do little ..... (e) So, you as well as the other*** 99%

Question No.10 (Use of Sentence Connectors)

  • 1. It is well known (a) - a healthy mind lives.........*** 99% 
  • 2. Undoubtedly, wildlife plays a vital role in ......... *** 99%
  • 3. Morning walk is a good habit for all classes...... *** 99%
  • 4. Women are nowadays as important as men ...... *** 99%
  • 5. (a)-taking food, we should bear in mind *** 99%
  • 6. Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities *** 99%
  • 7. Paper has become an inseparable item of....... *** 99%
  • 8. Men (a) are always grumbling about their ...... *** 99%
  • 9. Everybody loves a truthful person. A man.... *** 99%
  • 10. It is better to have brain (a)-beauty......*** 99%

Question No.11 (Use of Capitals and Punctuation Marks)

  • 1. will you buy my hair asked della I buy. *** 99%
  • 2. may I come in sir said the student *** 99%
  • 3. Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer.. *** 99%
  • 4.once my mother said to me who.....*** 99%
  • 5.go to bed now mother said you can. *** 99%
  • 6. who are jolly those who have sound*** 99%
  • 7. the teacher said to the boy where are ... *** 99%
  • 8.rosamond said to her mother what*** 99%
  • 9.i came to dhaka this morning i sent *** 99%
  • 10. will you come to my house tomorrow....*** 99%

Part B-  Composition (Writing Test): (40 Marks)

Question No.12 (Writing CV with Cover Letter)

  • 1. For the post of Accounts Officer.*** 99%
  • 2. For the post of Medical Representative. *** 99%
  • 3. For the post of Computer Operator.*** 99%
  • 4. For the post of Salesman.*** 99%
  • 4. For the post of Computer Programmer. *** 99%
  • 5. For the post of Senior Officer.*** 99%
  • 6. For the post of Receptionist. 
  • 7. For the post of Software Engineer. *** 99%
  • 8. For the post of English Teacher.*** 99%
  • 9. For the post of IT officer.*** 99%
  • 10. For the post of Librarian.

Question No.13(Writing Formal Letter, Academic and Official Letters)

  • 1. For setting up a canteen.*** 99%
  • 2. For permission to go on a study tour. *** 99%
  • 3. For providing multimedia classrooms with internet facilities.*** 99%
  • 4. For setting up a computer club.*** 99%
  • 5. For enhancing library facilities.*** 99%
  • 6. For repairing damaged road.
  • 7. For increasing common room facilities. 
  • 8. For relief and medical aid for the flood- affected people.*** 99%
  • 9. For a seat in the school hostel.
  • 10. For help from the poor fund.*** 99%

Complaint Letters

  • 11. For regarding road and drainage problems. *** 99%
  • 12. For missing goods.*** 99%


  • 13. For collecting SSC Admit Card.*** 99%
  • 14. For submitting students projects and name for Science Fair.*** 99%

Purchase Order

  • 15. For sending luncheon package.*** 99%
  • 16. For some books and other stationary goods.*** 99%

Question No.13 (Or, Writing E-mail)

  • 1. For permission to go on a study tour to Padma Bridge.*** 99%
  • 2. For leave of absence due to father's death. *** 99%
  • 3. Regarding the supply of damaged products. *** 99%
  • 4. For ordering a product.*** 99%
  • 5. For cancellation of an air ticket.*** 99%
  • 6. For information about Cox's Bazar tour. *** 99%
  • 7. For checking unusual price hike.*** 99%
  • 8. For reserving a seat in train.
  • 9. For taking action against anti-social activities. *** 99%
  • 10. For issuing a testimonial.

Question No.14 (Writing Paragraph)

  • 1. The Life of a Farmer *** 99%
  • 2. Environment Pollution *** 99%
  • 3. A Winter Morning*** 99%
  • 4. A School Magazine *** 99%
  • 5. A Tea Stall
  • 6. Your School Library*** 99%
  • 7. The Life of a Rickshaw Puller*** 99%
  • 8. A Book Fair You have Visited *** 99%
  • 9. A Moonlit Night
  • 10. A Rainy Day

Question No.15 (Writing Composition)

  • 1. Importance of Reading Newspaper*** 99%
  • 2.The Season You Like Most*** 99%
  • 3. A Journey You Have Recently Made/Enjoyed *** 99%
  • 4. Your Favorite Hobby*** 99%
  • 5.The Importance of Physical Exercise*** 99%
  • 6. Duties of a Student*** 99%
  • 7. Your Aim in Life
  • 8. Wonders of Modem Science/Science in Everyday Life*** 99%
  • 9.Your Visit to a Historical Place*** 99%
  • 10. A Memorable Day in Your Life

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনেট আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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